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System Architecture
Finding a balanced solution
NEC has a dedicated team keeping up with the latest trends in HPC and guides customers to a balanced solution. They are also responsible for designing solution fitting to the customer's needs and ideas in larger projects.
Few companies have the portfolio width of NEC: from a CPU and system developed by NEC to the x86 based cluster solutions. One of NECs strength is the ability to provide cutting edge solutions.
With a large in-house benchmark cluster and test center NEC can provide the customer with a lot of help in creating a well-balanced compute environment. With early access to the latest technology with regards to CPU, System and Network NEC can provide a firm basis for deciding on the best compute solution together with our customers.
Technology Updates
NECs customers are updated regularly with information and experiences with the latest technology trends. With a changing market, and a lot of new products and requirements, this kind of experience is
a valuable resource.